Ivan Andrade is a Catalan playwright, stage director and somatic trainer. Graduated as a Microelectronic Engineer (UAB, 2000), as an Actor (ESAD EOLIA, 2004), as a Somatic Trainer (Intl. School of The Grinberg Method, 2010), he also holds a Master in Playwriting and Direction (Royal Holloway University of London, 2015).
Ivan has worked as an actor for more than 12 years. In 2015, he founds The Amateurs Company to create and produce multidisciplinary work tackling contemporary subjects and issues with a singular approach and unique style.
In 2014, he is awarded a scholarship by Fundació SGAE to develop his work internationally. As a director, Ivan is responsible for productions seen in Catalonia, France, the United Kingdom and Taiwan.
As a Somatic Trainer, Ivan leads ongoing research in the field of embodiment. The Conscious Body is a training for actors who want to explore their somatic experience applied to performing onstage. It provides insight and practical tools to access a high level of instensity, truthfulness, and creativity onstage by means of developing a high level of bodily presence. This work granted him a Scholarship from OSIC (2021) for further research.
As a playwright, his play Russians won the Entreactum Award (2014), and the Arsènic-Roca Umbert Award (2015), and has been selected to take part in the Unsceen and Late Bloom Fest in London. His play Elysium (granted with a writing-scholarship) was longlisted at the Bruntwood Award of Playwriting (2017) and shortlisted at the Emerge Theatre Award (2017), both in the UK. His last production Partícules Paral·leles won the Best Show Award at the Mostra de Teatre de Barcelona.
Ivan has been a commissioned artist of the Konvent Zero (Berga 2020), Helen Mitchell Foundation (Ireland, 2019), Tsung-Yeh Arts & Cultural Center (Tainan, 2018), and Can Serrat Artist Residency (Barcelona, 2017).