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Audience reviews 1.

Audience reviews 2.

Audience reviews 3.



Partícules Paral·leles is a play formed by three stories linked together around one underlying subject: the exploration of human relationships in the 21st century. New social forms, new family models, and the frenziness surrounding and permeating our lives leads us to adopting new structures that call for tought and reflection.

The title references a phenomenon discovered by Albert Einstein and called quantum entanglement, which states that two particles located in faraway positions in the Universe can develop a parallel behaviour (that is, a stimulus applied to one can have an effect in the other). This observed but yet unexplained phenomenon is one of the great marvels that puzzles scientists today.

Presented at nunOff (Barcelona, 2019) and Pedra Viva (Ciutadella de Menorca, 2019) festivals. Premiere and season at Dau al Sec (Barcelona, 2020). Second season in Barcelona, at Teatre Akadèmia (2021). 

25th Barcelona Theatre Festival Best Show Award.

Partícules Paral·leles 2021.jpg
Creative Team

Dramaturgy & Direction  Ivan Andrade

Lightning Design  Ignasi Camprodon

Software Design  Alexandre Dupuis

Stage & Sound Design  Ivan Andrade

Technician  Àlex Gilabert

Subtitles  Takashi Furusho

Photo  Oscar Perales / Clara Bes

Video  Clara Bes

Production & Distribution  The Amateurs


Nil  Ivan Andrade

Company Ideal  Pol Rosell

Mr. Nishida  Andy Fukutome

Ms. Tanazaki   Rina Ota


Sara  Alba Jubany

Nil  Quim Gil

Thanks to

Joan Taltavull, Stefán Halldórsson, Maria Calderó, Joana Castellano, Xavi Alvarez, Jaume Llagostera, Natàlia Mas, Nil Coral, Àlex Sanz, Sabine Dufrenoy, Dau al Sec Arts Escèniques, Teatre del Raval, Teatre Akadèmia, Akiko Iwasawa, Japonia, OSIC

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