Our participation of Program Circuito Audaces in Valencia.
Our participation of Circuito Audaces in Madrid.
Our participation of Circuito Audaces in Valladolid.
Our participation of Circuito Audaces in Murcia.
.Our participation of Program Escenia in Granada.
Audience opinion.
Strawberry Frappuccino
Strawberry Frappuccino is the final piece that closes the trilogy Partícules Paral·leles, dealing with the impact of technology in our contemporary way of life.
Sara and Nil are two teenagers. They follow each other on Instagram although they have never met before in real life. This anonymity allows them to share things that perhaps they wouldn't say face to face. Nil makes the best use of this anonymity to share certain issues he has and some personal doubts. Finally, he confesses that he is being cyber-bullied by a classmate. This is forcing him to consider some drastic measures that put Sara in a state of deep-worry.
Part of Testimoni Escènic, Circuito Audaces, Programa Escenia Granada, Barcelona Districte Cultural, Programa Exprésate Murcia.
Production currently on tour.

On Tour
Cicle Al Forat (Barcelona), Escola Proa (Barcelona), Teatre d'Avinyó, La Sala Teatre (L'Ametlla del Vallès), Fàbrica Vella (Sallent), Teatre El Catllar, Els Carlins (Manresa), Centre Cívic Parc Sandaru (Barcelona), Centre Cívic Barceloneta, Teatre Auditori (Sant Jaume d'Enveja), Centre Cívic Can Clariana Cultural (Barcelona), Teatre Auditori Casal Riudomenc (Riudoms), Teatre Els Til·lers (Sort), Escola Maristes (Rubí), Escola Suïssa (Barcelona), Teatre Orfeó Montsià (Ulldecona), Teatre de Blanes, Sala El Torín (Olot), Sala Polivalent de l'Ajuntament (Miami Platja), Casa de Cultura (Llançà), Sala Padró (Cornellà de Llobregat), Patronat Parroquial d'Esparreguera, Casal de Cultura (Matadepera), Teatre Casal Agramuntí (Agramunt), Teatre Casal Francesc Macià (Centelles), Sala Roser Carrau (Vilassar de Mar), Espacio La Granja (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), Teatro Villa de Molina (Murcia), Teatro Oscense de Huéscar (Granada), Teatro Municipal de Huétor Tájar (Granada), Auditorio Martín Recuerda de Salobreña (Granada), Circuito Audaces (Murcia), Teatro Victoria (Circuito Audaces Murcia), Teatre Comunal d'Andorra la Vella, Andén 47 (Valladolid, Circuito Audaces), Centro de Arte y Turismo (Soto del Real), Sala Off Valencia (Circuito Audaces), Outes, Galicia (Circuito Audaces), Centre Cívic Sarrià (Barcelona Districte Cultural), Centre Cívic Casa Groga (Barcelona Districte Cultural), Centre Cívic Besòs (Barcelona Districte Cultural), L'Arboç, Centre Cívic Can Basté (Barcelona Districte Cultural), Centre Cívic Cotxeres Borrell (Barcelona Districte Cultural).
Creative Team
Dramaturgy & Direction Ivan Andrade
Software Design Alexandre Dupuis
Sound Design Ivan Andrade
Photo & Video Clara Bes
Production & Distribution The Amateurs
Thanks to
Sara Alba Jubany
Nil Quim Gil
Maria Calderó, Stefán Halldorssón, Joana Castellano, Jaume Llagostera, Natàlia Mas, Jan Mediavilla, Núria Sales, Dídac Calpe, Ester Boquer, Oscar Perales, Cal Gras Artist Residency, Testimoni Escènic, OSIC
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